Welcome to Eventfully Blonde, Jessica Sula's weekly blog about her experience being a summer intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Jess!

Week 3
June 15-19, 2015
Prior to this last work week, I spent an amazing much needed weekend home in Pittsburgh with loved ones that quickly ended, taking an exhausting four hour trip back to beautiful D.C. on Sunday. But bright and early Monday, it was time to be back in the office to analyze the past two weeks of amazing events we have had, as well as look forward to the many others that are to come in the fall.
If we reflect on the previous two events real quick, it is clear to say when evaluating that both were successful and influential. As for the events coming up in the fall… where to begin. Bryan, my fellow intern, and myself have been loaded with information about what is to be expected for planning everything from NYSCF to The Walk to End HIV, not to mention that there are quite a few more. Personally, I am excited to be on board in the planning process of these events and looking forward to learning how an event is created from the beginning and onward. Although it definitely seems and is challenging, I am up for anything that is going to be asked of us.
Seeing this process of event planning is what I am here for and am most curious to see how an event is executed from beginning to the end result. The weeks to come will be loaded with ideas, plans, program layouts, projects, meetings and the lengthy list continues and continues. But, again that is what I am looking forward to.
As for a break from work life – I dedicated my weekend to celebrating my roommate Nikki’s birthday and exploring areas in D.C. that I have yet to go to. One experience was attending the Nationals game on Saturday against my home team, the Pittsburgh Pirates, with both Nikki and my boyfriend who came to visit. Unfortunately, I got to witness my home team losing, losing in a no hitter at that. But, the experience was still amazing. We got to Nationals Park early and attended the tailgate at The Bullpen which had multiple games of corn hole going on as well as many drink stands and food trucks to enjoy – this is a place I will definitely be back again soon. Another area that I experienced for my first time, and will definitely be back to as well, was the Washington Harbour. We spend the day walking next to the Georgetown Waterfront Park and eating at an outdoor restaurant that gave a break from reality that I very much needed.
The more I experience D.C., the more interesting it becomes. I am looking forward to another week in the city and for all the work that is about to come within the BRAVO! office. As always, cheers to whatever comes next.