Welcome to Eventfully Blonde, Jessica Sula's weekly blog about her experience being a summer intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Jess!

Week 7
July 13 -July 17, 2015
Hello all! It is hard to believe that I am beginning my eighth week here at BRAVO! This experience is truly flying by, and it feels like just yesterday I was nervously walking into the office for the first time. But, I have come so far from that first day and am already getting sad that this journey is coming to an end. On a lighter note, last week in the office was amazing. We have been working hard on two of our main client events, Walk to End HIV and the Mautner Project, both projects which I am invested in. Also, I had the opportunity to spend some time listening in on calls for NYSCF. Throughout the planning of these projects, I find the designing of the events very interesting. It is awesome to see the process in which the team and outside vendors take to create beautiful events.
On Thursday this week, I walked into the office to a fully decorated desk with Kristin and Lacey greeting me in birthday hats and a loud happy birthday! Considering my birthday fell on Friday and I only work here until Thursdays, they decided to celebrate my birthday with me a day early. We all went out to El Centro for lunch where I was given churros with a candle for a desert along with being sang happy birthday to. I was truly grateful that the team took the time to celebrate with me and to have given me an amazing in-office birthday!
I was planning on staying in D.C. for my birthday but, when the opportunity came to have lunch with my family and a night out with my boyfriend and closest friends I could not pass it up. So, Friday I took my long drive home to Pittsburgh. On Saturday, I went to lunch with my family and shared multiple laughs with the ongoing comments about their excitement over the fact I will be home soon. Later that night, I met up with my friends in Pittsburgh who I have not seen all summer. We went to shady side and spent time together over drinks celebrating my 22nd all night. On Sunday, I stopped to spend some time with my grandparents then took the long drive arriving back late last night.
Considering I only have three weeks left at BRAVO! and the city, I plan on making the most out of them. In the office, I plan on making as much of a contribution to the fall events as possible since I will not be here to during the execution. Also, I plan on touring D.C. in every way I can, especially this weekend when my parents come to visit. I am curious to see what all comes out of these last few weeks. As always, cheers to whatever comes next!