Welcome to Eventfully Blonde, Jessica Sula's weekly blog about her experience being a summer intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Jess!

August 3 - August 7, 2015
The week is here, my final week as a project coordinator intern at BRAVO! The feeling is bittersweet to say the least and am still in disbelief that this experience is actually coming to an end and truly do not know where to start as I write this final blog post. But, two words have come to mind as I am ending this journey and milestone in my life. Thankful and Driven.
Thankful. This opportunity has 100% changed myself for the better and that I am forever thankful for. Through my internship here at BRAVO! I have both matured as a young professional as well as confirmed an interest in the marketing and events industry. Also, I have met a group of people that I can call friends and mentors that I know I will forever keep in touch with. As my mentors, Nancy, Kensey, Lacey and Kristin have taught me so much about the events industry within a short amount of time that has overall lead to the confirmation of this being a field I would love to pursue. Also, I have received constructive criticism throughout these past ten weeks from these mentors that have helped mold me into the young professional I can now say I am today. Outside of work, we have spent so much time together whether it be at a Top Golf adventure or a birthday lunch, every time was filled with laughter and stories that ultimately lives up to Nancy’s saying “once a BRAVO! girl, always a BRAVO! girl,” which I know I now am.
Through BRAVO! I am also thankful to have be given so many amazing opportunities and experiences that I would not have been able to otherwise. The two events that I was able to be a part of for Whitman-Walker Health truly inspired me. Being able to contribute to the success of an event such as Going the Extra Mile that has such a powerful message and meaning behind it was an honor and is something I will take with me forever. Also, the networking event that we were able to attend at National’s Park opened my eyes to the possibilities of the event industry that I was not aware of before. Another experience that I am SO lucky to be able to attend this week is BizBash’s Elevate D.C. This is an event I was much interested in going to and am honored to be able to go thanks to Nancy. Unfortunately, this will be my last outing with the BRAVO! team but I know it will grow my interest in events further and give me knowledge about the industry that I have not already learned, which I am looking forward to experiencing with the team.
Driven. Because of this experience, I am now a more driven individual than I have ever been before. Being surrounded by such successful individuals who are inspired by their work truly sparked my drive for my career future. I now feel confident in the field I am headed and am anxiously awaiting to start a career within the industry as I head back to my home town of Pittsburgh. From ten weeks ago to now, I can honestly say that I am a more confident and independent individual than I was when I first walked into this office. I have been able to experience and grow so much in such a small amount of time and because of that it has driven me to ultimately live out my dreams both internally and professionally.
So, I guess this is officially good bye since this is my last blog post at BRAVO! It won’t be the last of me though, there is still a video to be published later this week that will wrap up everything I have learned at this amazing company. Also, I can see the possibility of me attending some of the fall events since I have grown such an attachment in the planning of them. Overall, THANK YOU to this amazing BRAVO! team, I miss you already and sorry to say, you are stuck with me forever as one of the BRAVO! girls.