Welcome to According to Plan, Madison Oberg's weekly blog about her experience being a fall intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Madison!

Week 1
August 31 - September 4, 2015
My name is Madison, but my good friends call me “Mom.” Originally from Happy Valley, Oregon (yes that’s the real name, and yes it’s as sweet as it sounds), I traveled 2,000 miles to attend Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. Three years after becoming a Horned Frog, I ventured 1,300 miles further to work and play hard in our nation’s capital, my home for the next 15 weeks.
I have always been a planner. I love hosting events for my friends, researching new restaurants, and making the most of every moment. I also love lists. I keep track of my “to do’s” on my computer, on sticky notes, in journals, and find extreme satisfaction in crossing off the day’s accomplishments.
I realize this makes me sound more than a little type-A. In reality, I’ve chilled out a lot since my freshman year of college, adopting a low stress, high fun outlook.
When I first began at TCU, I had a very specific plan for my life. I thought I knew exactly what I was working toward and the steps I needed to take. This illusion was shattered after my first semester, when I realized the major I selected and career path I was headed down weren’t the right fit.
The planner in me panicked. What was I doing with my life? What was my purpose? Where was I supposed to be headed and how would I get there?
In reality, this hiccup in my plan was one of the best things that could have ever happened. At first it left me feeling lost and confused, but ultimately, it pointed me back to my faith and my true purpose.
One Sunday at church, my pastor said “what may seem like a disappointment is actually an appointment to something better.” It was then that I truly understood what I had always known: My plan is not my own.
All of this being said, I have now channeled my love of planning in a more productive manner. I used to joke that I would plan weddings for a living if nothing else worked out, until I realized that this could actually be a reality.
When applying for internships in D.C., I thought I would end up at a PR agency. My plan was proven wrong yet again. When the opportunity to work for Bravo! came my way, I knew it was meant to be.
I cannot wait to see what the fall holds! I am beyond excited to put all of my planning energy into my work at Bravo! and letting the rest of my life fall into place.