Welcome to Traces of Capitol Hill, Tracy Parco's weekly blog about her experience being a fall intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Tracy!

Weeks 12 & 13
November 16 - November 27, 2015
4-year-old cousin: "Oh, come on! Where's my turkey hat?"
9-year-old cousin: "You left it in the car."
4-year-old cousin: "But I can't give thanks without it!!" *Proceeds to start crying* *30 seconds later* "Oh, look an acorn!"
This past week I felt like I regressed 15 years between the holiday toy drive here at BRAVO! to spending Thanksgiving with my younger cousins, and I was reminded of the innocence of childhood and the kindness and giving spirit of the holiday season.
My week in a nutshell consisted of playing Buddy the Elf—ordering and collecting toys for the BRAVO! toy drive—attending a Wizards game (Which apparently is DC's NBA team, who knew? Go sports!), and then hopping on a bus to New York/ New Jersey for the long holiday weekend. Over the weekend, I built a couple pillow forts, watched roughly 10 episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, painted a model of the solar system, played with Legos, lost (arguable) two rounds of ping pong, and essentially, relived childhood.
Children have a very unique way of simplifying life—they don't overthink things, they don't hold grudges, they say what's on their mind, they believe the best in people, and they are taught to live by the Golden Rule. While we're finishing up our last couple weeks here in DC, I'm reminded to take a deep breath and just take everything in and enjoy the ride. It's very easy to become overwhelmed in the daily routine and to lose sight of the larger picture, especially with last minute projects and packing. But, instead of sweating the small things, I am going to work to find the acorn in my own day-to-day life (cheesy, I know).
Talk to you all next week for my final blog of the semester!