Welcome to According to Plan, Madison Oberg's weekly blog about her experience being a fall intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Madison!

Week 14
November 30 - December 4, 2015
Reflecting upon this semester, I don’t know where the time has gone. With only four full days left in the Capital, it’s incredible to think that I’ve called this place “home” for the last four months. I moved halfway across the country for the second time in my life with an open mind and one main goal: To leave with a better understanding of what I’m supposed to do and where I’m supposed to live after graduation.
My time in the District has been nonstop busy, as I spent my time exploring a new city, making friends from all over the world, and traveling or hosting out of town visitors the majority of my weekends. Some of my favorite memories include brunching with the TCU crew, touring vineyards in Virginia with BRAVO! and hosting meaningful events at my internship. With each new day and every new experience, I learned a little more about myself and the world we live in. It didn’t happen all at once, but I truly feel as if I’m walking away from this semester having gained some key insights, which will guide my next steps both personally and professionally.
The first: I love adventuring and exploring new places, but Texas has truly become my home over the last few years. By no means do I plan to stop traveling (I’m not about to settle down completely when I turn 22), but I’m looking forward to giving my suitcase a rest and staying in one city for more than a few months at a time. I’ve missed my church, cycling at Zyn22, eating at Sushi Axiom and Rodeo Goat, but mainly I’ve missed the friends who make Fort Worth feel like home. I am so looking forward to returning to TCU for my final semester and pursuing job opportunities in DFW. Can’t believe I graduate in May!
My next takeaway is that event planning is a field I will consider exploring professionally. My internship at BRAVO! has been incredible, as I loved applying my communication skills in an entirely new way. Watching months of preparation come together into an event that others got to enjoy never got old, and I could absolutely see this being part of my career. With this new insight, I will apply for positions in both public relations and events back in Dallas-Fort Worth.
The final lesson: I am SO well loved. This is something I’ve always known, but was reminded of again and again this fall. I was overwhelmed by the way others stepped in with prayers and support when I needed it most. I am so blessed to have friends who feel like family all over the country and I’m so thankful for provision and protection in every circumstance.
Taking these thoughts into consideration, here’s the current plan:
Fly back to Portland, turn 22, cut down and decorate our Christmas tree, celebrate with the ones I love, and make the most of my time in Oregon because I don’t know when I’ll be back!
Move back to Fort Worth in January, make up for all the time I’ve missed with my friends, study a little, apply a lot, then GRADUATE!
Make the most of every moment without thinking too far ahead. I’ve only got one semester of college left and I don’t want to wish it away!
As I’ve learned again and again, my plan is never truly my own and that’s always for the best. With this in mind, I’m moving forward into the next season of my life with an open mind, excited for whatever comes my way. Here’s to a happy new year, and making 2016 the best one yet!