Hey y’all! My name is Lia and I am a new intern at BRAVO! Philly born and VA raised I have been living in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) since I was seven. I am 25 years old and am working to complete my Event Management Certification and hope start grad school next fall (fingers crossed!). I also work at MGM National Harbor full time so I am usually with the BRAVO! Team a couple days a week.
My story is a little different than the regular smegular intern. Most interns are usually in college, however I have already graduated from undergrad. After several attempts of reaching out to various companies and people I was fortunate enough to obtain this internship with BRAVO! when I reached out to Nancy, through LinkedIn, about my struggles with gaining experience in the event planning industry.
Well let me tell you, she does not disappoint! My first day I worked my very first event for The Washington Center. I felt a little in the way and out of place being that everyone working the event was aware of what was going on and what to do. I was tasked with helping wherever additional help was needed during the event, such as helping set up, directing guests to their seats, clean up, etc. It was cool seeing first-hand how everything came together. The following day was my first day in the office. I was way too excited to find out I would be getting my own desk. Jack, my fellow intern, went with me to Matchbox as a “welcome to the team” lunch.
Two weeks after the start of my internship, the BRAVO! Team was preparing for its second major event in October, the DC Chamber of Commerce Gala. This time I was able to be more hands on with assisting during the event. I had been helping the BRAVO! Team prepare for this event for two weeks so I was more in tune to what was going on. The event was a beautiful success.
My time thus far with BRAVO has been nothing short of amazing. I look forward to working with BRAVO! every week. Everyone here brings such positive vibes to my day and I love that I’m learning something new anytime I step in the office. The only downside to this internship, if you can really consider it a downside, is all of the different kinds of food around here! How dare you all put me in the middle of all this food when I’m trying to watch my figure lol.
Now being an official BRAVO! Intern, I would encourage all who read my blog to stay persistent. It took several emails, phone calls, and the traditional “hit the pavement” trips before I was fortunate enough to come across someone who was willing to give me an opportunity to learn about what I believe I would like to make my career. I look forward to all the new experiences coming my way thanks to BRAVO!
Be sure to check back every week to see what exciting things my fellow intern, Jack G., the Bravo! Team and myself have concocted next.
Until next time,
L Camille