Dunagan Does DC & Amani’s Angle are coming together to share our first week. We are already learning so much from Ms. Nancy Shaffer and about events and BRAVO! In the past week, we have attended meetings, worked on documents, and learned lessons from Seth Godin.
The week began with lots of meetings, the DC Chamber of Commerce, Butter Cream Bakery, and Safe Shores, The DC Children’s Advocacy Center. The DC Chamber meeting was interesting because we will be involved in the planning of the event which takes place in October, all summer long. The Butter Cream Bakery and Safe Shores meetings were debrief meetings discussing the Success, Challenges and Opportunities of the Cherishing Childhood event that was held May 29th. The event was Safe Shores annual luncheon to tell their story, raise awareness of the epidemic of abused children in DC and nationwide while raising funds to support these young people and their caregivers healing process. Check them out at www.safeshores.org. This meeting was particularly interesting to Jessica because I was able to attend the event as a guest and see BRAVO! at work before our internships started. Overall, all three meetings were awesome, because we got to experience the interaction with clients and see knowledge learned in the classroom come alive.
We learned about some of the many event tools used to plan an event, learning what an “RFP” was. Prior to this internship we had never heard of this, let alone created one ourselves. For those who don’t know, like we didn’t, an RFP is Request for Proposal, it is used to present an events needs to a group of vendors (at BRAVO! they are referred to as Partners) to prepare proposals so BRAVO! and the client can select the right partner for a project. We learned how to create multiple different RFP’s, as events have lots of elements. We also helped work on power point presentations for clients to use for marketing tools for an upcoming gathering they are having, in hopes of building intrigue and securing sponsorships for the fall gala.
This week we started a new morning kick off, where we watch a video presenting innovative ways to think about marketing, branding and storytelling. The first one was by the inspirational Seth Godin, “Your Job is to Make Art”. He has us thinking about our personal lives, our career, and BRAVO!. With that being said, we want you to think on his words, “In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible”. How are you standing out?
We are learning how BRAVO! stands out in the live experience industry. BRAVO! does this by being a story teller and having each aspect of an experience be part of the story telling not just the speeches/messaging but also the catering, flowers and decor to the venue and more. It is all intentional and all goes into a story line. BRAVO! not only creates significant events but takes you on a journey and leaves you with an everlasting impact.
Dunagan Does DC & Amani’s Angle