I interned at BRAVO! in the fall of 2009.. Wow, quite a long time ago. After working at BRAVO! For three years, I moved to New York City in 2012. I was at an agency for 6 years planning culinary events and experiences for American Express before starting at a tech company in their marketing department in 2018. Recently, I decided to take a slight pivot and am now in my final month as a student at the institute of culinary education. I’m looking forward to one day merging my passion for food and the culinary world with events!
It is hard to pinpoint a specific memory from BRAVO! 10 years later so I might have to be a bit general about my favorite memories.
At BRAVO! I was exposed to so many different types of events and the ins and outs of how each was run. It was awesome for someone just starting out to be able to see and experience all facets of the event. From registration and AV to auctions and catering, Nancy and the team executed it all, and always took time to teach and explain every detail! Some of my most favorite “learning” experiences happened at the tastings- makes sense considering where I am today!
Additionally, one of the best things about interning and working at BRAVO! was making wonderful connections. Many colleagues, business partners and clients all turned into lifelong friends! Some of my favorite memories came from the hilarious holiday ugly sweater parties where we would all celebrate together!
My BRAVO! experience definitely helped to shape me into the person I am today! My professional foundation was built from my first couple years out of college when I was at BRAVO! Not only was I exposed to an incredible business, I was also able to really find my professional voice (even though sometimes that voice probably got a little loud). Over the last 7 years I found myself constantly thinking back to my time at BRAVO! tapping into the skills I developed or even the processes and procedures that I was exposed to. I’m so thankful to Nancy and the team for making my time at BRAVO! so memorable