I interned at BRAVO! during the spring semester of my junior year in college. That was January 2014 to May 2014.
Today, I’m living just north of Boston, and working in Lowell, MA. I’ve been at the same company since moving on from BRAVO!. I started as an intern at Kronos, a software provider for workforce management and human capital management solutions, in June 2014 and stayed on throughout my senior year when I was hired full-time following graduation. Now, I work in marketing and am focused on content creation for our existing customers.

One of the most memorable events when working at BRAVO! for me was the Helen Hayes awards. The opportunity to attend the event and have even a small hand in making it happen was like a dream. The venue was beautiful, and there was a VIP suite that my family and I were able to enjoy as well, which was so much fun (they were visiting at the time). Among some of my other favorite event memories are going to the Sparkle Lounge, the Washington Business Journal Book of Lists, and an industry event at the Mandarin Oriental that I can’t seem to remember the name of. I also just really enjoyed days spent in the office. Sometimes we’d do a dance party or two on Fridays. We had a blast!

When I look back, there is a distinction plain as day between pre-BRAVO! Lauren and post-BRAVO! Lauren. Interning at BRAVO! was a turning point for me, and for that reason, I consider it a major milestone that I hold near and dear to my heart. I was a fairly shy, quiet, and uncertain college student when I got to DC, but I didn’t leave that way. I came home with a newfound perspective of myself and what I’m capable of achieving. I have my BRAVO! experience and all the wonderful people I worked with to thank for helping me build the confidence that allowed me to get to where I am today. The professional experience that I got under my belt - attending meetings and site visits with Nancy, working onsite on major events in the city - was invaluable, but just as important for me was the personal growth I gained while I was there.