Hello all,
Sadly, this is the last time you will be hearing from me because my internship has come to an end! I know I can’t believe I’m saying it either. It seems like just yesterday I walked into Nancy’s office nervous out of my mind and super excited at the same time. I didn’t know what to expect for this summer but I can honestly say I have learned, grown a lot and had a lot of fun.
One of the most important things I’ve learned is to always be present, not only physically but vocally. Meaning always speak up and be heard, be clear, thoughtful and make sure your timing is right, sometimes your thoughts aren’t best heard in the moment you feel them. You never know if someone is thinking the same thing as you or has the same question. I have a bad habit of not speaking up, mostly because I feel like everything doesn’t need to be said. I am not one who likes to debate, if someone doesn’t agree with me I don’t want to keep going back and forth and not be understood. However, I have learned that most times people like to hear new ideas. People actually want to know what’s on your mind, especially when you’re in a new environment. I have not only learned this at BRAVO! but also at my internship with The Washington Center. Here’s a fun story that proved just this, I was invited to a focus group for the TWC program and I was really nervous to go. I did have a few concerns about the program but I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, so I was really nervous about going. Nancy insisted I go she told me it was my responsibility to share what had been bothering me about the program. When I voiced my first opinion they wrote everything I said down and asked tons of questions about what I meant by it and they just wanted more details. I started getting more comfortable and talked more as the conversation progressed. I answered more of their questions and they kept saying they were very grateful for my feedback. I learned that not only did I get my problems off my chest which made me happy but it made them happy as well. I felt like I just helped the next intern that will be in my situation in the fall, spring or next summer. My voice, my thoughts and presence was valued immensely and to think I was scared to go.
Another thing I have learned from The Washington Center (TWC) is how to network. They told us to network with everybody you come in contact with because you never know who you’re near and how they might be able to change your life. I have gained so many valuable connections this summer that I wouldn’t even have thought of doing before TWC. I have made great relationships with my fellow interns here at BRAVO!, Marie and Jessica. They are great people and we have become really good friends. I have also met some great people at TWC from all over the world! If I ever visit their state or country I will definitely want see them. Not to mention Nancy says once a BRAVO! Girl always a BRAVO! girl so I know she is there to guide me and ask the tough questions.
As internship is comes to an end and It is my last day at BRAVO! While I am excited to enter the workforce, I am extremely nervous to be an adult. Granted, technically I am an adult over 18 and all that good stuff, but I’ve never really been independent with no safety net (thanks Mom and Dad). I have done some exciting things that have taught me independence and how to be responsible for myself. However, this chapter of my life is going to be very different, I graduated from college, completed my internship and now I have to find a job. Even though I have a business degree in marketing I still don’t know what I want to do next. What I do know is there are so many amazing opportunities in the world and I just can’t imagine limiting myself. With all the experience I have gained this summer, I am certain that my future is in great hands and I will be able to achieve all my dreams.
For the last time,
-Amani’s Angle