As a strategic event design and management firm, BRAVO! realizes how crucial developing a strong social media presence is for producing a successful and marketable event. The impact you make online can transform a guest’s experience into an engaging extension of a company’s brand and messaging. We’ve created a short article series to help illustrate the importance of different social media platforms and how to best make social media work for your organization. If you didn’t get to read the previous entries in this series, be sure to check out Part One and Part Two!

Please read below for a few of our insights and tips on how BRAVO! approaches the integration of event-based social media.
Building Awareness
1. Promote your hashtag:
Have a single hashtag to help your audience find – and promote you - across all platforms. Once you’ve developed your event hashtag, incorporate it into all outgoing communications. Be sure to create calls-to-action in your post to utilize the hashtag and begin to guide the messaging for your event to tell the story of your organization and the reason the event exists. In design, it’s much more appealing to have colors/assets clearly defined for the branding of your event.
2. Link, link, link:
Take advantage of your audiences from platform to platform. Use platforms to promote and grow platforms. Share what is different/what someone might be missing.
3. Use trivia/giveaways to drive user engagement:
Engagement can be very simple – ask a question, ask your user to reply with the hashtag on a given platform, offer something that can be delivered on site as a prize. Holding an event in Seattle? Ask your users on Facebook to head over to follow you on twitter and answer how many coffee shops there are in Seattle – use the hashtag and win a coffee mug to be picked up during the event.
Thank you for engaging with BRAVO! Events. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our company and our services! We’ll be back with Part Four of this series for the next Wisdom Wednesday!