Dunagan Does DC & Amani's Angle
Welcome to this week with Jess and Amani, This past week has been a good one. We got to go to an event titled; Get That Festive Feeling:...
Marie's Monday Memo
Hello everyone! Guess who’s back for a second year here at BRAVO!? Yes, lil’ ol’ Marie has returned to the big city. A lot has changed...
Dunagan Does DC & Amani's Angle
Dunagan Does DC & Amani’s Angle are coming together to share our first week. We are already learning so much from Ms. Nancy Shaffer and...
Amani's Angle
A Little About Me My name is Amani Simpson and I am one of the newest interns here at BRAVO! I am a recent graduate from Frostburg State...
Dunagan Does DC
Hello world, I wanted to introduce myself so you know who you will be reading about all summer long. My name is Jessica Dunagan and I am...
Marie (aka me) in DC
Hey folks! Where is all the time going?! I am basically half way through with my internship at this point which is CRAZY. At this point...
Marie (aka me) in DC
Welcome back everyone! Week two has been a busy one. I don’t know about you but I like to be constantly occupied (a sixteen year old girl...
The Simpsonnnn(s)
Hey Everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Simpsonnnn(s) on BRAVO!. This week I’ll be talking about balancing your personal...
Marie (aka me) in DC
Hello, everyone! My name is Marie Quaranta and I am extremely excited to be a BRAVO! intern this summer. I was born and raised in a small...
The Simpsonnnn(s)
Hi everyone! My name is Taylor Simpson, a soon to be Sophomore at Spelman College, serving as one of the summer interns at BRAVO! this...